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Right near entrance to church car park

Reported via iOS in the Road Potholes category anonymously at 00:18, Thursday 18 January 2024

Sent to Central Bedfordshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 400291.

Extremely large pot hole and very deep. Has been reported multiple times yet nothing has been done about it! This will cause enormous damage to vehicles that hit it, and due to the fact this has been reported by multiple people weeks and weeks ago, the council are liable for the damage. Appalling service for the amount of council tax we are forced to pay.

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  • Customer email:
    Writing to you regarding 2 potholes in Dunstable that are yet to be repaired, even though they were reported a number of times, starting in December last year.

    The first is in Ashcroft Rd, right by the entrance of the car park to the Church. First reported in December, this pothole is huge and extremely deep. Its been reported a number of times yet nothing has been done by CBC.
    The second is just around the corner on Pascomb Rd, outside number 2. Yet again, reported in December, but again, not a single thing has been done about it. It is extremely deep and large and will cause a lot of damage to a car that hits it.

    Your repairing of potholes around Dunstable is a disgrace. These 2 i have highlighted were reported back in December, so why is it taking so long to repair them when you have repaired pot holes that have been reported more recently.

    Surely when you are receiving multiple reports of the same pot hole, that must trigger an immediate response or investigation, but clearly not.

    Posted by Central Bedfordshire Council at 09:46, Thursday 7 March 2024

  • Thank you for your Highways report.
    We have inspected the defect and carried out works to make the issue safe. Any further repairs that are needed will be completed in line with the timeframes set out in our maintenance plan.

    Many thanks,
    Central Bedfordshire Council Highways

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by Central Bedfordshire Council at 12:44, Thursday 21 March 2024

  • Thank you for submitting your Highways report.
    We have inspected the defect and made the area safe. Further repairs, if necessary, will be undertaken in alignment with budgetary considerations and prioritisation against other ongoing works.

    We will continue to monitor all defects to ensure the safety of our residents as part of the Network Maintenance Management Plan which can be found online - transport/ roads-strategies/ highways-asset-management.aspx

    Many thanks,
    Central Bedfordshire Council Highways

    Posted by Central Bedfordshire Council at 07:20, Monday 14 October 2024

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