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Old Linslade Road - Better signage required urgently

Reported via desktop in the Signs category anonymously at 17:50, Mon 26 February 2024

Sent to Central Bedfordshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 402716.

Old Linslade Road is being abused by drivers of vehicles which exceed the height and weight restrictions. Today I have twice witnessed 44ton articulated lorries which have driven from Plantation Rd direction towards Stoke Rd. They cross over the canal bridge, which has a 7.5t weight limit, then cannot drive under the railway bridge with the 11'3" height restriction. This is occurring almost daily and causes obstructions to other vehicles on the road, it is dangerous for cyclists, and pedestrians. The second lorry I saw today, reversed back along Old Linslade Road backwards over the canal bridge and the river Ouzel Bridge. The first lorry managed to turn around in the gateway to Linslade Cemetary, and drove all over the grass verge making an awful mess of the verge and the road. The canal bridge has a weight limit and the River Ouzel Bridge is currently very badly damaged where half the parapet has been knocked into the river. The signage on Old Linslade Road needs upgrading urgently to warn lorry drivers that they cannot access Stoke Road, the current signs are inadequate.

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Central Bedfordshire Council at 17:50, Mon 26 February 2024

  • Thank you for contacting us with information related to a Highways issue. Your request has been passed to the Traffic Management team. In the first instance, they will investigate the feasibility of your report by looking at existing records and data held. All cases vary but this work can take up to 4 weeks to complete. Please contact us on 0300 300 8049 if you would like more information on the progress of your report.

    State changed to: Open

    Posted by Central Bedfordshire Council at 11:07, Wed 15 May 2024

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