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Path on hurst grove just after station crescent.

Reported via mobile in the Kerbs category anonymously at 15:48, Monday 18 March 2024

Sent to Central Bedfordshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 404164.

I have reported this already & have had a notification to say that the issue is resolved which it is not!! A kind resident swept the mud off the path but the issue is not resolved.

The curb is damaged in several places, the path itself is crumbling & unsafe creating a danger to parents & children walking to school. The path, even before being damaged by large vehicles, was too narrow for parents with buggy’s & additional children to walk side by side, particularly when people are coming & going from the school at the same time. This forces buggy’s onto the road or onto the grass which is slopped so makes manoeuvring a buggy difficult. There is also a large pot hole in the road next to the damaged area. This has been ongoing since December 2023.

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  • Thank you for your Highways report.
    We have already been made aware of this issue from a separate report and any action or updates will be undertaken on that reference number. Please be aware that there will be no further updates on this report.

    Many thanks,
    Central Bedfordshire Council Highways

    State changed to: Duplicate

    Posted by Central Bedfordshire Council at 13:17, Tuesday 26 March 2024

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