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As per the green circle on map, the bottom part of the Potsgrove lane

Reported via desktop in the Road Potholes category anonymously at 18:50, Monday 18 March 2024

Sent to Central Bedfordshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 404186.

The original pothole was temporarily repaired about 2 months ago, the repair lasted under 1 month. Now the size and depth of the hole is SUBSTANTIALLY larger and deeper where the size is now SO large its into the middle of the road. As you can see by looking at the 2 pictures from different directions its now virtually impossible to avoid the hole as either side the verges have already got deep holes in as vehicles have attempted to avoid this massive crater. To make matters worse, within 20 yards, (attached picture named 2nd new pothole) there are 2 new potholes which also need to be immediately repaired before they also increase in size before a serious accident(s) occur where CBC will be 100% guilty of knowingly ignoring these holes as both holes have already been reported at least 7-10 days ago!

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Central Bedfordshire Council at 18:50, Monday 18 March 2024

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