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96 derwent road

Reported via mobile in the Broken Column category by Mark Newell at 20:33, Monday 6 May 2024

Sent to Central Bedfordshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 406351.

Street light has been struck and is leaning towards road , also the street light that is further down the road has been smashed completely off and is lying on the ground behind the one that has been struck so I presume that the electrical power supply is now exposed and dangerous, so there are 2 lights that need attention urgently as they are on long bend .

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  • Thank you for your Highways report.
    We have inspected the defect and carried out works to make the issue safe. Any further repairs that are needed will be completed in line with the timeframes set out in our maintenance plan.

    Many thanks,
    Central Bedfordshire Council Highways PASSED TO MILESTONE 07/05/24 8:30

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by Central Bedfordshire Council at 08:56, Tuesday 7 May 2024

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