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Appenine way nearest Beaudesert School to Briggington way Traffic lights

Reported via desktop in the Pavement and Cycle path category anonymously at 22:23, Saturday 12 October 2024

Sent to Central Bedfordshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 413087.

Good evening,

I hope this message finds you well.

I would like to bring to your attention the footpath that runs from the new traffic lights on the Leighton Road from Briggington Way along to Appenine Way where Beaudesert Lower School is located. As you can hopefully see, the footpath along the Leighton Road from each of the above locations is narrow whilst being next to a busy main road. I use this path twice daily to take my son to and from school at Beaudesert Lower School on Appenine Way. During the school pick-up/drop off walks from the school back to our home, the footpath becomes very over crowded and forces adults and young children to walk on the edge of the footpath, dangerously close to the busy road.

We live on the new housing estate, Clipstone Park where like myself, a lot of homes catchment school is Beaudesert Lower School. Many families walk with their young children along the same path and I know share similar concerns of my own about the busy, narrow footpath and it being next to a main road.

I appreciate it would be difficult to extend the width of the path, but is it a possibility to put a fencing/railing along the footpath to help prevent anyone who uses it, from falling in to the road, especially young children?

There are no other footpaths to and from Clipstone Park to Beaudesert Lower School to use. Whilst there is no development of a new lower school being added to Clipstone Park and Beaudesert being the main catchment school, please can a fence be put in along that path along the Leighton Road to prevent anyone from getting seriously hurt.

Thank you for your time to read my message. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Many thanks Kind regards

Florence Jordan

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Central Bedfordshire Council at 22:23, Saturday 12 October 2024

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