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Street light opposite 78 Weatherby, LU6 1TW

Reported via mobile in the Not Turning on category anonymously at 18:05, Monday 11 November 2024

Sent to Central Bedfordshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 414343.

Street light is not coming on. It is on a bend which has poor visibility coming from both directions and is a bus route, so it poses a problem if not working. Street light is on grass verge bordering a wooded area so it is very dark already before this was broken. A previous light further round the road opposite a junction with Cook field close was never replaced when it was broken so this bend is very dark causing a risk to cars and pedestrians. Street light noted as broken this morning and has not come on again tonight either so definitely Bern out for 24hours at least

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  • Street light is number 26 on road called Weatherby, Dunstable. Please can this be mended soon as the bend is extremely dark now and we feel quite vulnerable walking round this bit of the road as it borders Green Lane which is a wooded area to open fields.

    Posted anonymously at 19:27, Thursday 28 November 2024

  • Street light is number 26 on road called Weatherby, Dunstable. Please can this be mended soon as the bend is extremely dark now and we feel quite vulnerable walking round this bit of the road as it borders Green Lane which is a wooded area to open fields.

    Posted by Central Bedfordshire Council at 19:28, Thursday 28 November 2024

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