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City field farm exit

Reported via mobile in the Public Rights of way category by Linda parcell at 12:30, Sunday 24 November 2024

Sent to Central Bedfordshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6776493.

Someone keeps putting barbed wire around gate, so can't get through, today there was plastic cable ties and rope, so had to climb over it, I called at aunts for scissors and went back and cut them off. It's not the farmers doing it as I spoke to his wife earlier about it, and they don't know who keeps doing it. Also the person must have lot of strength as they managed to pull stillage with concrete in to block a gap I used to get through once before.

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  • We are aware of this issue and know it is not the landowner. We have asked the Parish Council's and local residents to let us know if they see or hear anything. We will report it to the police as wilful obstruction and criminal damage.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Central Bedfordshire Council at 10:15, Monday 25 November 2024

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