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North arm of the A6 clophill roundabout, same side as the flying horse pub

Reported via mobile in the Push Button Not Working category anonymously at 21:50, Wed 4 December 2024

Sent to Central Bedfordshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 415300.

Pushing the button on the toucan crossing here causes a red light on the button to appear, but this cancels after a few moments and does not change the traffic signals. The button has to be pushed again.

This happened to me every day last week without fail.

You only realise it's not working after you've waited for ages and then realise the red circle light around the push button is not lit.

Additionally, on several recent occasions we have found that buttons sometimes do not work at all, and we have to use the other button. This usually happens on the other side of the road.

I have also noticed on other occasions that the beeping sound doesn't work, although this does T happen very often, or perhaps was fixed.

I do feel unsure about the safety of these lights given the apparent hardware/software issues in something so safety critical.

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  • Thank you for reporting this issue to Central Bedfordshire Council. This crossing is equipped with sensors to detect if the button has been pressed and the pedestrian walks away. An engineer has attended site and adjusted the sensitivity of the detector.

    State changed to: No further action

    Posted by Central Bedfordshire Council at 16:26, Thu 5 December 2024

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