On highway verge opposite 48 Ampthill Road
Reported via desktop in the Trees category anonymously at 17:22, Sat 7 December 2024
Sent to Central Bedfordshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 415437.
On Friday 6 December, prior to the current storms, a large branch fell from the trees and landed in the road. Two drivers sensibly stopped and manhandled it onto the verge - it was very fortunate that there was no vehicular damage and that no-one was hurt. I have previously reported these trees as providing dangerous conditions especially for large vehicles, including school buses - it is your responsibility to maintain safe highway passage. The trees need serious attention and if they are not highway trees then you have to power to take action and counter charge the responsible land owner. Please take urgent action before there is a very serious incident.
State changed to: Investigating
Updated by Central Bedfordshire Council at 17:22, Sat 7 December 2024
Thank you for submitting your Highways report.
We already have maintenance work planned in for this area and the issue will be resolved as part of this work. We are, unfortunately, unable to provide you with a timescale for this to be completed, however, all repairs are prioritised using an assessment matrix in line with our Network Maintenance Management Plan (NMMP). We have worked planned to lift the canopies of these trees to prevent vehicle strikes, & remove any dead wood from the canopies. At current we can't guarantee a date for work.We will continue to monitor all defects to ensure the safety of our residents as part of the NMMP which can be found online - transport/ roads-strategies/ highways-asset-management.aspx
Many thanks,
Central Bedfordshire Council HighwaysState changed to: Closed
Posted by Central Bedfordshire Council at 15:42, Wed 11 December 2024
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.